Practice Areas
Family Law

Family law is a relatively broad legal practice area that covers matters like divorce, child custody, child support, legitimation, adoption, and other similar matters. If you or your loved one are going through a family law issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of dedicated lawyers and ask for help.
Georgia Family Law
What types of cases do we assist with regarding family law in Georgia?
Teston & Burruss Law Firm in North Georgia is accomplished at successfully handling a variety of family law cases, such as:
- Contested and Uncontested Divorce
- Custody Modifications
- Contempt
- Child Support and Child Custody
- Alimony and Spousal Support
- Name Change
- Visitation Rights
- Adoption
- Legitimation/Paternity
- Grandparent Rights

Hall County Georgia Family Law
How can we help you with your family law needs?
Teston & Burruss, PC has years of experience assisting with domestic and family law litigation. Our attorneys are well-versed regarding the two types of custody in the State of Georgia: legal custody and physical custody.
If you are facing a child custody issue in Georgia, it is advised that you have a child custody attorney in your corner to help protect the rights of your family members.
If you are seeking a Hall County divorce lawyer, call Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.
Divorce Attorneys in Georgia
What is joint custody? What is sole custody?
Joint legal custody is more common than not within the State of Georgia. With joint legal custody, parents share the decision marking authority regarding the minor child(ren).
Joint physical custody is not as common in Georgia as joint legal custody. With joint physical custody, parents share equal parenting time.
Sole custody is rare and unusual, meaning that all the custodial rights are assigned to one parent and the other parent has no rights. This arrangement does not alleviate the other parent of their obligations, such as child support. Sole custody is typically only awarded in cases where the Judge finds that one of the parents poses significant risks of physical or emotional harm to a child, and it is in the child’s best interests to have no contact with that parent.
If you are seeking a Hall County divorce lawyer, call Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.
Divorce Attorneys in North Georgia
What if we cannot agree on a custody arrangement?
In the event the parties cannot agree on a custody arrangement, a Judge will make the determination of custody based on a “best interest of the child” standard. Judges often utilize the professional recommendation of a court appointed Guardian Ad Litem in child custody cases.
However, even with the professional recommendations of a Guardian Ad Litem, the Judge has full discretion to make the custody determination based on all evidence presented at the trial and what the judge believes to be in the child’s best interest.
If you are seeking a Hall County divorce lawyer, call Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.
Contempt Attorneys in Georgia
What is the difference between criminal and civil contempt?
A party can be held in either criminal or civil contempt. Civil contempt is more common than criminal contempt in most family law cases.
Being found in contempt for failure to pay child support is generally the most common form of civil contempt in family law cases.
A non-conforming party commits contempt when they violate a court order. If a non-conforming party is found to be in contempt, they can hope to “purge” their violation by following through with conditions the Judge will establish. In all contempt situations, it is strongly advised that you engage experienced family law attorneys to help you navigate the complexities of contempt. If someone you know is involved in a family law matter, call Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.
Custody Modifications in Georgia
When can I modify custody?
A modification may be warranted if the moving party can show the other party is no longer able or suited to retain custody or that the conditions and circumstances surrounding the child or the parent out of the custody have substantially changed, and that the welfare of the child(ren) would be enhanced by modification of the original custody arrangement.
A modification of custody can be filed at any time so long as the moving party can show that a material change in circumstances effecting the welfare of the child has occurred.
If you are seeking a Hall County divorce lawyer, call Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.
Child Support & Child Custody in Georgia
What happens when a custodial parent moves away?
It is not uncommon for one of the parental parties to move away after a divorce or custody battle. Such a move can greatly affect the other party. This is especially true for the parent that does not have primary physical custody of the child(ren).
Georgia law no longer presumes that the primary custodial parent is allowed to relocate with the children. Judges are now required to determine each case individually in order to ensure the best interest of the child(ren). Relocation by one parent can constitute a material change in circumstances warranting a modification of custody.
If you or someone you know has a child or children whose custodial parent has or intends to relocate with the minor child, make sure to align with an experienced attorney in order to navigate the complexities of this type of case.
For a free consultation with experienced family law attorneys in Hall County, Georgia and the surrounding areas, please contact Teston & Burruss, PC today at 470-892-2204.